Live with no regrets

Live with no regrets.

We make mistakes in life. We realised it was a mistake when things started to go south. Mistakes teach us that life is not all rainbows and butterflies. There’s a mix of pain and sorrow among the smiles and laughter. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody.
It’s always our choice to choose our own path. Choosing is a part of life. Decisions are never easy to make, and they might not be the right choice, but it is important in life to know how to make them ourselves.
Sometimes our decisions aren’t always the best. We tend to think that we should have known better about the choice or the path we took. There is no art to knowing whether a decision we make will be a mistake or not. Not every mistake comes out bitter; most mistakes arrive pleasantly. It was realising it later on that made you realise it was a mistake. Some mistakes you won't realise easily It is up to you to analyse them and shape those mistakes into experiences. Nonetheless, everything you go through in life is a learning curve to become a better version of yourself. Don’t regret. Accept it and move forward.


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